Initial Chat
What is it you want to achieve? How does this interior design malarky work? Will I be someone you can work with? An initial discussion will help us find out. Free of charge.
Product Sourcing
Looking for a particular kind of lamp, a cushion with just the right colours, light switches that are a bit different? I can help. Tell me what you're looking for, we agree how much time to allow, and off I'll go.
Property Layout
Could the flow of rooms be better? Do you want to fit in an extra bathroom? Do you want to change things round but just can't work out or agree how? I can help come up with ideas, look at the feasibility of options, and when needed, advise on bringing in other professionals.
Room Scheme
Producing a room scheme can be anything from a quick mood board to a full scale feasibility report, scale drawings and room layout/elevations depending on the need.
2hr consultancy
Sometimes you just want to chat with someone and talk through ideas for a couple of hours with no follow on commitment. For just £40, why wouldn't you?
Room Layout Design
Not sure how best to position your furniture, does the room never feel quite right? A room layout plan could help, with suggestions as what goes best where, or which furniture would best suit the space.